call for papers

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Thanks to the strong support of scholars, Journal of Research for Christianity in China (ISSN: 2325-9914) has published 16 consecutive issues (until June 2021) since its inception in 2013, with the aim of providing a platform for academic exchange among scholars engaged in the study of Chinese Christianity, Chinese religion and culture.
The journal aims to provide a platform for academic exchanges among scholars engaged in the study of Christianity in China, Chinese religions and cultures, to promote the dialog between Christianity in China and Chinese religions and cultures through academic research, and to provide useful references and academic reflections for the future construction of Chinese culture. The journal focuses on providing an academic platform for young scholars, and warmly welcomes young scholars of different specialties, disciplines, and backgrounds to conduct in-depth analyses on topics related to the construction of Chinese culture. We welcome articles on Chinese religion, Chinese culture, history of Chinese Christianity, Chinese theology, Bible studies, and other topics, especially interdisciplinary, forward-looking and exploratory articles, as well as academic papers on cultural and religious dialogues, and academic book reviews and developments in the academic world.

The journal is divided into three main sections: Special Articles, Articles, Reviews and Reports, Translations. Special articles are lectures or articles by invited scholars; articles are submitted articles; reviews and reports are book reviews and academic reports. The word count for articles is 10,000 to 30,000 words, and 8,000 words for book reviews and reports.

The format of the article includes: title and abstract in Chinese and English, main contents, footnotes, references, with the author's profile, contact information.

For details, please refer to the journal's submission requirements and footnotes.

The journal is still published in the common international online format, and all articles will be made available in electronic form on the website for readers to browse, download and read. In order to further expand the impact of the journal, outstanding articles published in the journal will be selected by the editorial board and published in Religion and History (book edition) at an appropriate time.

Starting from the 17th issue in December 2021, all the articles submitted to the journal will be paid according to the quality of the articles and the number of words, with a remuneration of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan per article (personal tax to be borne by the author) as a token of appreciation. No reimbursement will be made for previous articles.

The following are some of the recent themes of the journal (the following themes are for reference only):

Christianity and Social Thought in Modern China

Christianity and Epidemic Society

Christianity and Life Care

Christianity and AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Christianity and Cyberspace

Christianity and Chineseization

Please continue to support this journal by all scholars! Welcome to favor the great works.

Submission e-mail: (Remarks: Please indicate the words Chinese Christian Studies or JRCC in the title of the e-mail; please check whether it meets the annotation standard and format requirement of the journal by yourself before submitting the manuscript.)

Editor-in-Chief, JRCC 

August 20, 2021