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投稿需知Notes For Contributors

* 投稿结束后,如果没有显示“提交成功”,可以刷新页面,在控制面板看到是否提交了文章。

* 本刊投稿流程如下:



The Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914) is jointly edited and published by the Center for Christianity and China, Los Angeles, USA, and the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University, China, founded in 2013. The journal has three sections: Special Articles, Articles, Book Reviews and Academic News.
Special Articles: Lecture notes or articles by invited professors.
Articles: original academic papers related to Chinese Christian Studies.
Book reviews: reviews for newly published works on Chinese Christianity in Chinese and foreign languages.
Academic News: reports on conferences, workshops, lectures, etc.二、本刊全年公开征稿,凡与本刊内容相关的学术论文均欢迎各界人士投稿,但内容必须是首次 ( 特例另加说明 ) 发表的原创性学术研究成果。
All academic papers related to the contents of the Journal are welcome, provided that the content is original and published for the first time (with special exceptions).三、中英文文稿均被接受。以中文投稿的研究论文需附英文摘要和关键词 ;以英文投稿的稿件需 附中文的摘要和关键词。原则上,论文含注释中文稿件为 10000至 30000 字为宜,论文含注释英文稿件以不超过 12000 字为宜,书评及会议报道每篇一般以 5000 字为限,特殊情况另论。
Both English and Chinese manuscripts will be accepted. Research papers submitted in Chinese should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in English; manuscripts submitted in English should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in Chinese. In principle, papers with annotations should be 10,000 to 30,000 words in Chinese and up to 12,000 words in English, while book reviews and conference reports should be limited to 5,000 words each.

四、研究论文的撰写格式及顺序如下 :
The format and order of writing a research paper is as follows :
1、首页 :中英文题目、作者联系方式(中英文姓名、职务及职称、通讯地址、电话、电子邮件等 联系方式)。
Home page: title in English and Chinese, author's contact information (name, title and title in English and Chinese, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).
2、中英文摘要(各以 200-700 字为宜)、关键词(以 5 个词为限)。
English and Chinese abstracts (200-700 words each) and keywords (limited to 5 words).
The main text contains footnotes (please follow the format of the Journal's "Formats").
References are listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order in foreign languages and in hanyu pinyin order in Chinese.

五、本刊在收到投稿的论文后,本刊编辑委员会先进行匿名初审,初审后再请两位同领域的学者专家复审,复审者意见不同时将邀请第三位学者评审 ;并于稿件收到后三个月内回复作者。逾期未接到通知者,可自行处理稿件。本刊概不退稿,作者请自留底稿。 稿件随收随审,一经审稿通过即寄发同意 刊出函告知作者。经决定采用的文稿,须依本刊体例修改论文格式,编辑部有权对稿件酌情删改(不愿者请投稿时说明),且需作者亲校最后文稿,修改过后始由本刊编辑委员会另行决定与何期刊出。
After receiving the manuscript, the editorial board of the Journal will first conduct an anonymous preliminary review, and then invite two scholars in the same field to review the manuscript after the preliminary review, and will invite a third scholar to review the manuscript if the reviewer's opinion is different. If you do not receive notification after the deadline, you may dispose of the manuscript by yourself. The Journal does not return manuscripts, so authors should keep their own copies. Manuscripts will be reviewed as they are received, and a letter of approval for publication will be sent to the authors once the manuscript is approved. The editorial board has the right to delete the manuscript at its discretion (please specify when submitting the manuscript if you do not wish to do so), and the author will be required to proofread the final manuscript.

By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the author, upon inclusion and publication, agrees to authorize the Journal to then authorize other repositories accepted by the Journal for reproduction, to provide services through the Internet, to authorize users to download, print, and other actions, and to modify the format as appropriate.

All articles published in this journal are under the authors' own responsibility, and all arguments do not represent the views of the Journal, while the copyright belongs to the journal.

八、 本刊目前采用国际通行的网络出版的形式,全部论文向网友公开、免费下载,本刊不提供样刊,作者可以自行下载、打印。
The Journal currently adopts the internationally accepted form of online publication, and all papers are open and free to download for online users. The Journal does not provide sample issues, authors can download and print them by themselves.

The Journal currently accepts submissions by e-mail only. Please check the format of your paper for compliance with the journal's formats and requirements before submission. Submission email: ChristianStudies@163.com. For more, ChineseCS.cn.










请在投稿前注意以下事项:1、确保文章符合本刊格式要求;2、核对引文;3、投稿意味着您认可本刊投稿协议。Please note the following before submitting your article: 1. Ensure that the article meets the journal's formatting requirements; 2. Check citations; and 3. Submitting your article implies that you recognise the journal's submission agreement.

特稿Special Articles

特稿为特邀稿件或符合特定主题稿件。特定主题可以参见网站介绍。Special articles are invited manuscripts or manuscripts that fit a specific theme. Specific themes can be found on the website.





